The scores consist of a few musical notations and represent different levels of difficulty, marked from 1 to 10.
1 – is for beginners level, dedicated for those who have never had any contact with musical notation.
10 – is for a very difficult score designed for music lessons performed by a trained elementary teacher or a person familiar with musical notations.
The scores consist of 5 voices. The first one (the main voice) is written for diatonic and chromatic bells. The other four voices are rhythmical patterns which can be carried out by the means of everyday school items (Carl Orff idea). The thing which makes it so special is an extraordinary musical notation based on animal symbols representing the notes. Each score contains lyrics. If you have no access to any instrument you can sing it. At the very end of this publication you can find all the voices of the score which can be printed easily.
This method combines learning with having fun, so we hope that you will enjoy it all together with your kids, friends and relatives.